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SZL coal-fired and biomass-fired boiler

Coal-fired boiler2021-05-17 13:09

SZL coal-fired and biomass-fired boiler

Time:2021-05-17 13:09


容 量:2~25T/H 1.4~17.5MW 蒸发压力:1.0~2.5MPa 蒸汽温度:184℃~400℃ 热水温度:95℃~130℃ 炉 型:自然循环、强制循环、热水两用 燃烧方式:层燃锅炉 出厂形式:快装、组装 燃 料:...

Capacity: 2~25T/H
Evaporating pressure: 1.0~2.5MPa
Steam temperature: 184℃~400℃
Hot water temperature: 95℃~130℃
Furnace type: natural circulation, forced circulation, hot water dual purpose
Combustion method: layer-fired boiler
Delivery form: quick assembly, assembly
Fuel: bituminous coal, lean coal, anthracite, lignite, firewood (chips), grass residue, rice bran, furfural residue, etc.
SZL coal-fired steam boiler
Serial number  Product number Rated evaporation
Work pressure
Steam temperature℃ Dimensions
1 SZL2-1.0-AII 2 1.0 184 5500×2560×3500
2 SZL4-1.25-AII 4 1.25 194 7000×2560×3500
3 SZL6-1.25-AII 6 1.25 194 8000×3600×5900
4 SZL8-1.25-AII 8 1.25 194 8300×4000×5300
5 SZL10-1.25-AII 10 1.25 194 9380×4000×5950
6 SZL10-2.5/400-AII 10 2.5 400 10140×3240×5298
7 SZL15-1.6-AII 15 1.6 204 10945×4720×6720
8 SZL20-1.6-AII 20 1.6 204 15000×6000×8500
9 SZL20-2.5/400-AII 20 2.5 400 15000×6000×8500
10 SZL25-1.6-AII 25 1.6 204 15700×6500×8500
11 SZL25-2.5/400-AII 25 2.5 400 7000×6500×8500
SZL coal-fired hot water boiler
Serial number  Product number Rated evaporation
Work pressure
Steam temperature℃ Dimensions
1 SZL1.4-1.0/115/70-AII 1.4 1.0 115/70 5500×2560×3500
2 SZL2.8-0.7/95/70-AII 2.8 0.7 95/70 7000×2560×3500
3 SZL4.2-1.0/115/70-AII 4.2 1.0 115/70 8000×3600×5900
4 SZL5.6-1.0/115/70-AII 5.6 1.0 115/70 8300×4000×5300
5 SZL7-1.0/115/70-AII 1.0 1.0 115/70 9610×4000×6200
6 SZL10.5-1.0/115/70-AII 7 1.0 115/70 10945×4720×6720
7 SZL14-1.25/130/70-AII 14 1.25 130/70 12200×4720×7700
8 SZL17.5-1.0/95/70-AII 17.5 1.0 95/70 15700×7200×9000




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