Bulild a Safety Dike to Protect Life

Company news2024-04-03 13:25

      We continued to carry out monthly plenary safety training on Mar 28 in spite of a heavy workload to guarantee fully safe production. The training started with Qian Fengwei and Xu Yan from our tooling department setting forth requirements related to procedures and quality, with emphasis put on technological requirements about welding. 

      Next Wang Chaoqun, a lecturer from Blue Sky Rescue Team of Wuxi, gave us a first aid course on CPR and AED by stating that “ The devil is in the details. It is easy to repair a machine, but difficult to save a man’s life.”

      The course demonstrated by cases CPR and AED (automated external defibrillator). It let us know how to judge whether a patient had reaction or spontaneous breathing, and thus master necessary conditions for CPR, and meanwhile understand correct body positions for rescue and the method and key points of high quality CPR. It also emphasized the importance of the key 4 minutes of prehospital emergency medical care. Besides, it helped us understand better key points of using AED by simulating rescue using AED, and introduced us to the overall process and details by combination of both theoretical lecturing and actual practice. 

      This course raises further our employee’s awareness of self-protection, and improves their first aid skills and emergency response ability. It enables us to perform effectively rescue during daily life and production, and further guarantees our safe production. The first aid courses would continue in the future.

                                                                                                                       Xu Wenda of Satety Office
                                                                                                                                Mar 30 2024
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